Monday, August 15, 2011

Caring Bridge Site

I have not posted here for awhile. But I have been posting on a Caring Bridge site for Justin. I will be transferring all of that information here, but in the meantime, you can access all the information by going to Or, just google search Caring Bridge, then type JustinBickford in the box.

Thanks for checking up on us!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

MRI Again

Justin hasn't had an MRI for 6 months. It is refreshing to be able to live without thinking about the cancer all the time, but weird that you still think about cancer all the time.

Yesterday's MRI was like all the rest; several pokes to get the IV in, then the MRI and a walk to the Radiology Oncologist's clinic. Justin's doctor was out of town, so he saw another doctor this time. The resident doctor was a new one we hadn't seen before, and the nurse was also new. We were very impressed that although we didn't know any of them, they were all great.

Both the Resident and the Oncologist agreed that there didn't seem to be any significant change in the cancer as they looked at the images. They said the radiologist would have to look at the images too, but they didn't see any cause for concern. It was such a relief! They felt he was doing very good and didn't need to return for 6 months.

We were so excited and let everyone know right away! Every time he gets a good report, we feel like he has been given a gift, and it is worth celebrating. We did, by eating at Chik-fil-A and having ice cream at Whitey's! We could have gone somewhere fancy, but the mall was where we spent a lot of time during his radiation treatments, so it feels like the right place to be.

Everyone was SO relieved! It was great to be given another reprieve.

So it was difficult when the phone rang this morning. It was the Resident doctor, saying that the radiologist had seen something on the MRI image. They want to see Justin back in 4 months instead of 6. How do you take that? Is it good news that they didn't call him back right away? Or is it bad news that they only want to wait 4 months?

We will keep praying, and trust that the Lord will take care of us during this time.

Uncle Justin with Lexi and Jaxon

Monday, November 29, 2010

Possibly Settled?

We have moved again...this house is a rental house that won't be for sale! It is a four BR with a mother-in-law apartment. Just right for all of us.

Let me just say that moving stinks. I cannot stand it. But each time we move, I have dumped more and more of my stuff, so now I am actually getting to the point where the next move won't be so bad. I hope we don't have to move again for a long, long time! We all like it here.

The Christmas decorations just went up, Thanksgiving is a wonderful memory and we are looking forward to being settled in for the winter.

No snow so far this year, but that can change in a hurry!

Friday, October 22, 2010

MRI Time Again

Another MRI, this time we weren't very worried, but there is still a nervous time just before we go. The wait for the MRI was a little longer, but we don't mind--we both usually take the day off, so time doesn't matter so much.

The MRI was good. The doctor was pleased and came in to tell us about it. He said the cancer looked the same, no changes. This time he didn't say it was shrinking, but no change is fine, too!

He said he would see us in 6 months!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A House...or Not.

We finally found a house! We have been looking for months and have not been very successful in finding anything that works for the six of us.

The house was just what we were looking for. Our lease would start the 1st of September. The landlord still had a contract with a Realtor to sell the house, but that would end on Aug 31. It had been for sale for over 2 1/2 years and had never had an offer. No one had looked at it for months, so the landlord decided to rent it instead.

He told us we could move in before the 1st. Since no one had looked at it for a few months, he figured no one would be interested during the last few days of the contract. So we moved in a few days earlier than September 1st, just to get a jump start. We moved in on a Friday night and knew we would love living there! The very next day, the house showed. And Sunday it sold.

We were stunned! So before we even got unpacked, we had to start looking again. Fortunately, the sale wasn't going to close until November, so at least we had a little time to look. Oh, my.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A New Job

I was offered a new job and I took it! I cannot believe the difference that it makes to have a job you LOVE as opposed to one you do because you can.

The office I used to work for had around 18 employees and 3 Optometrists. Now I work in a very small office with one doc and one other employee. It is amazing, challenging and fun. My coworker and I have to know how to do everything in the office, so it keeps our skills sharp. But the fun is, the things I don't like very well are things she loves to do, and the things she hates, I like to do. The doctor is young, but very fair, compassionate and encouraging as a boss.

It is like a breath of fresh air to go to work every day!

Friday, July 9, 2010


Lexi is born! She is a real sweetie and we can already tell she will be calmer than Jaxon! It is so fun to have a baby girl in the family!